Launch of Human Capital Management System (HCM)

On 13th July 2023 a team from Ministry of Public Service launched Human Capital Management System (HCM) in Iganga Municipal Council. The team included Mr. Waswa Charles HCM system support officer, Mr. Mwayi Jessy IT administrator, Mrs. Racheal principal human resource officer among others.
HCM is a new system that is replacing the Integrated Personnel Pay-roll System (IPPS). It’s a web based system and can also be accessed on mobile devices such as tablets and mobile phones.
The Human Resource Management modules and functionalities that have been automated include the following:
- Establishment Management Control
- Human Resource Planning
- Recruitment
- Payroll and Deductions
- Performance Management
- Leave & Absence Management
- Disciplinary Procedure
- Grievance Handling
- Training and Development
- Talent Management & Succession Planning
- Retirement & Pension Management
- Time and attendance
- Employee Information Manager (Master Data)
- Employee Life Cycle
- Self Service and Mobile application
- Reports and dash Board
Before the launch of the system all staff of Iganga Municipal Council underwent training on how to use the system. The trainees included the Town Clerk Mr. Kasala Daniel, Human Resource Officer Mr. Mukose Sanon, all heads of department and all staff among others.
The Town Clerk who was the chief launcher thanked the team from Ministry of public service for rolling out the HCM system in Iganga Municipal Council.